Who We Are
Greater Mount Hermon Baptist Church is a Bible-based, evangelistic, Spirit-empowered church in Douglasville, GA, led by Pastor Joseph Lewis, Jr. We are committed to seeing people saved, healed, set free, discipled, equipped, empowered and serving, not just in Douglasville, but all over the country. We strive to glorify God in everything we do. Every experience here is an opportunity to worship God for who He is and what He's done.
Affirmation of Faith
As a Body of Baptized Believers, a congregation of the converted and a community of ministers, we do hereby solemnly, seriously, publicly, and boldly affirm our faith.
We believe in God the Father, the maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus, His only Son, Our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. On the third day, He arose from the dead and ascended into heaven and sits on the right hand of God our Father. From thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. We believe in the Holy Spirit and the Holy universal church, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and everlasting life.
We vow that: In the position of discipleship, we will be obedient and disciplined followers of Christ. In the area of our worship, we will regularly worship God in Spirit and in Truth both publicly and privately. In the area of our stewardship, we vow to cheerfully give the tithe and generously contribute our offerings for the advancement of this church and the kingdom of God throughout the world. In the area of membership, we will be active in the ministry and will abide by the Holy Scriptures and the constitution of this church. In the position of leadership, we will love, respect, and support our Pastor as the Head of the Church under Christ, support the overall leadership of this Church, and be leaders ourselves for the cause of Christ. In the area of fellowship, we will be a friend to the Church and the members of the Church in order to foster an atmosphere of Christian hospitality and love. In the position of citizenship, we vow to participate in our community not as a bystander, but as a ministry helper.
We seek no power, but Holy Ghost power. We seek no glory, but the Glory of God. We have no fear, but the fear of the Lord. We have no by-laws above the Holy Bible. We have no creed, but the example of Christ. We have no law, but the law of love. We have no weapon, but the Word of God. We have no God, but the Father of Jesus Christ. Finally, we resolve that by the Grace of God and the aid of the Holy Spirit, we translate this affirmation from our lips to our lives to the Glory of God. Amen.